Abbott’s Frozen Custard serves up many sweet treats, most of which are some sort of – you guessed it – frozen custard. Unfortunately, frozen custard is a big no-go for vegans, because it not only contains dairy (like most ice creams), but it also contains eggs. I reached out to the corporate office of Abbott’s Frozen Custard to find out if there are any vegan-approved options. The good news: there are vegan options at Abbott’s. The bad news: it’s not much. The vegan choices at Abbott’s frozen custard are listed below:


For vegetarian menu options at Abbott’s Frozen Custard, click here


Vegan Menu Options at Abbott’s Frozen Custard


Frozen Banana


Fresh Baked Waffle Cone



Unfortunately, that’s it for vegan offerings. The waffle cone is vegan, but none of the custards to put into the waffle cone! Hopefully they will develop a vegan frozen custard flavor soon. In the meantime, you can’t go too wrong with a frozen banana!