Van’s Pig Stand is an Oklahoma-based BBQ restaurant. If you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet, you may think that a restaurant with the word “Pig” in its name would not be a great restaurant for your needs. And you would be right about that. This was Van’s Pig Stand’s response when I inquired about vegan or vegetarian options:
“Honestly there aren’t much of either in our Barbecue restaurants.
As for the main courses.
Pretty much everything has meat. BBQ is all about the meat of course.
Side Items:
Most side dishes have some form of meat in them as well. Beans, Vanized Potato, green beans etc all have meat in them.
However Plain Baked Potato, Dinner Salad (depending on dressing) are vegan
Cole slaw and possibly potato salad are about the only other choices that are vegetarian.
Oh, and if you don’t mind fried foods cooked in the same oil as meats, then we have Curly Fries, Fried Okra and Fried Pickles.
Desserts: All of the deserts would be vegetarian, but contain milk or eggs or both, so not vegan.”
So unless you want a dinner of a salad and baked potato (with cole slaw, potato salad, and dessert added in if you’re vegetarian), you may want to look for your meal somewhere other than Van’s Pig Stand.
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